Friday, January 1, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words.-- Nikon Camera Cake

So my best friend just turned 30. And what kind of friend would I be if I didn't make her a birthday cake?? She's an amazing photographer, check her out here. So a camera cake was perfect. Love you Evelyn, glad you liked your cake!! p.s. she also took these amazing pics.

Here is a great one taken by Evelyn of my gold calla lilies cake. What a difference a good picture makes!


  1. Both cakes are great, of course. But the NIKON CAKE!!!! WOW!!!! You know me - no elegance but tons of respect for the witty and amazing. I'll take a look at the rest later. The bubbles were delightful

  2. People that saw it from a distance thought it was real! haha I still think it was the coolest cake ever! Thanks again! I'm glad I have such a great friend!!
